Monday, April 12, 2010
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Truck Air Conditioning
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Lynx Lake
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Just For You Leslie!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Boys Day at Luke Airforce Base
Well, the pictures are going to have to wait!! I remember now why it takes me so long to update our blog!! I have tried to upload the pictures TWICE and both times it has failed. So, my time is precious and I am not going to try again..................maybe I can get Mike to do one of his fancy collages for this post!!! UGH!!
14th Wedding Anniversary
Spring Break at Disney World!
For Spring Break this year we decided to take the kids to Disney World!! We have been talking about it for a long time and the timing was finally right!! We checked the flights and it looked like we could get there. Flying standby has its benefits, being FREE and all, but it can also get crazy!! Mike's best friend, John Graham, works for Disney World and so he can get the family in for FREE! The Graham's also have a nice home right behind Disney and they had plenty of room for us to stay for FREE! So, all we had to do was rent a car and pay for food!! That is MIKE'S kind of vacation! He didn't complain about $$ the whole time!! We had a great time and even got Sawyer to go on Space Mountain and a few other big roller coasters! Sadie was our brave one though.....she was the only one who went with mommy and daddy on the Tower of Terror and Rockin' Roller coaster, which went 0-60 in 30 seconds, did upside down loops and barrel rolls!! TOTALLY AWESOME! Thanks John and Sam for a wonderful couple of days!!